Sell olive oils by means of ecology and nature

“A diet based on a large amount of olive oil is beneficial to the human body.” It has been several years since this sentence spread throughout the world and olive oil experienced its boom. In stores, there was only one problem to solve – whether the oil is virgin, cold-pressed, or 100% natural.

Shelves as the most effective POP medium and a category management tool

We all know shelving systems. We can see them in every retail store for many years. It serves mainly as a carrier of products. The more shelves, the better. Each one has a different color, size, and overall dimensions. Some were purchased directly by the retailer and some were supplied free of charge by the supplier of the goods. During the business history of each store, a mixture of shelving systems has emerged, among which there is a slight mess.

Movement, light, and sound will play an important role

The development of POP is very closely linked to the packaging materials market. Any product packaging is the basic key to the creation of POSM, from which the final graphic design, the selection of materials for the production part, and the subsequent implementation at the point of sale are derived.

Case study: How to handle the chaotic management of POS realizations?

Many entities are involved in the production and installation of POS materials. It involves many people on the part of a manufacturer, client, and seller. The larger the project, the more likely it is that the realization will not go smoothly. So how can we ensure that the management of each project is more efficient and transparent?

Retail after Coronavirus? More online activities and strong Christmas

Precautions to prevent further spread of coronavirus are slowly being released. Life seems to be returning to normal. But it is already clear that the economic consequences of the crisis we have experienced in recent weeks will be long-lasting and will affect most sectors. How will Covid-19 affect the future of the retail environment?

Supplier or strategic partner – who will bring a greater value within P.O.P.?

The Czech Republic and Slovak Republic are incredible in the In-store marketing segment. We produce an enormous amount of carriers, we do many promotional activities and we have plenty of stores where people purchase and companies, similar to us, help to sell. But, is the sales effect also growing? Should we always focus only on sales revenue, or should we build a brand? How do we stand in comparison with abroad?

BLOG: 10 tactics to stimulate impulsive purchases

At the time when people do more and more purchases online, impulsive in-store purchases are becoming increasingly important. They’re stimulated primarily by choosing the right products, placing them into the right place, or attracting attention of shoppers. Below, you can learn about 10 Shopify tips on how to increase their frequency and value. In these 10 tips, you can learn how

Case study Birell: How to cut a bicycle in halves?

The client’s order was simple: create a permanent end cap for non-alcoholic refreshment Birell. It was supposed to resonate with the main elements of the product – focus on people, spending time outdoors, having fun with friends and a summer relax. Therefore, we created several different proposals which have gradually developed until we finally … cut a bicycle in halves. What made us to do this?


Emotional ties are crucial to excel in oversaturated retail environment. We offer you 10 tips how your points-of-sale can work better for the benefit of you and your customers.

1. Create well-arranged sections
Provide eyes of your customers with central orientation points and ensure clear vertical and horizontal layout, help them with orientation. Use graphical elements to attract attention. Realize that more and more customers look down rather than up, especially those who hold their smart phones while shopping.

2. Reminding a need increases sales
End caps and secondary placements offering more brands and reminding some occasions or events, for which customers might need them, work. Stimulate feelings related to consumption.

The closer the shopper approaches to the moment of consumption, the better.

3. Create adventures based on experiences
Implement novelties through challenges for testing or communicate using P.O.P. media as others do it that way. Evoke positive emotional experiences by showing families and friends enjoying time spent together consuming good stuff at points-of-sale. When you show pleasure of products other people have, you activate mirror neurons of customers causing that they will have a strong desire for such product. Communicate how it improves life and ensures that customers feel better. Then it is crucial to identify emotional triggers of your target group in connection with your products.

4. Two work better than just one
Showing two people on a P.O.P. communication is always better than showing just one, especially for women who are socially more connected. Ensure that people are the centre of your P.O.P. media.

5. Women are different than men
Also keep in mind that men and women have a different view of the world. What causes a great impression upon women, men can perceive negatively and vice versa. For example, the idea of a woman cooking Christmas dinner or decorating Christmas tree may be stressful for women as they imagine the effort they would have to make, while men may perceive it pleasant or neutral. But the idea of a family decorating the Christmas tree together is positive for both, men as well as women.

6. Communicate simple and clear messages
Shoppers have no time to read. Which three words they should remember after seeing your P.O.P. communication? Where possible, use pictures or symbols instead of words to increase the possibility that they process your message. But also remember that the more time shoppers spent meaningfully looking at your P.O.P. communication and products, the more likely they buy it. It will also help you to follow the Frazier 3-4-5 rule which says that the communication at-retail should be understandable for customers within three seconds, visible from four directions and should communicate through five word or elements maximum.

7. Stay well-arranged
Allow the product to be always visible and do not create any barriers between the product and customers, for example by complicated P.O.P. media. Simple and open physical reach is crucial to interact with a product. Emphasize the reason to buy it now and here as briefly and clearly as possible.

8. Colour selection is important
Customers look longer at yellow, orange and red items and these colours will encourage the impulse shopping. Cold colours, as green, might be comforting and associated with health. The influence of colours depends on harmony with the content of the message. Also the conformity is crucial with familiar colours of concrete products and brands. It is also important to ensure visual contrast with other items exposed within the immediate vicinity.

9. Stand out from the crowd
Within the tangle of communication and products, it is essential to stand out. Use of P.O.P. media with rounded edges, unique shape or iconic branding helps to attract attention of shoppers. A novelty is a great way to attract attention. As well as communication that brings people back to their childhood with “rosier” memories compared to the perception of their current lives.

10. Use technologies
Activate the senses of shoppers using sounds, aromas and motion. Invite them with their children for mutual interaction using buttons and selection from menu options, extend their possibilities outside the point-of-sales using an Omnichannel strategy. Work with data on behalf of maximum relevance and customer satisfaction.

Daniel Jesenský
DAGO, s.r.o.

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