Christmas Summary: How did Dago cope with Christmas POSs?

Before Christmas, traders always have to work hard to replenish the displayed goods. The shopping spree attracts consumers to visit permanent stores where they buy gifts for their loved ones. But how to stand out in crowded sales areas and reach the largest possible...

Celebrate Christmas with a unique Pilsner Urquell activation

Festive dress, potato salad, fried carp and something good to drink. This is what a classic Christmas Eve dinner looks like in many Czech households. Premium beer is an essential part of Christmas, just like Christmas sweets. This is also why the Pilsner Urquell brand...

Fanta drinks are betting on Halloween

Although Halloween is not a typical Czech holiday, it is still a great opportunity for marketers to establish contact with customers in a way they cannot otherwise afford. There are no limits to imagination, and smartly thought-out and amusing POSs can significantly...

Albert guides customers through the world of wines

Wine ranks among the most popular alcoholic beverages of Czechs. In the Albert stores, they are therefore expanding the assortment of the private brand Sommelier collection and presenting it to customers in a new display.

The clear layout and timeless minimalist design play a major role in this new activation. The display lures to selected wines from different price categories and it is divided into two halves, one of which is dedicated to wines from abroad and the other half offers wines from Moravia.

The display is dominated by a cardboard end cap placed on metal shelves and made in the unmistakable design of the new brand Sommelier collection. It is dominated by black colour complemented by wood decor. The display catches the customer’s attention with its sophistication and simple, clean design that evokes a sense of luxury. “Our new Sommelier collection brand has a distinctive, eye-catching design that we have implemented into the cardboard end cap. The activation catches the interest of customers and informs them about the origin of both domestic Moravian wines and foreign wines,” says Erika Bognárová from Albert Česká republika.

The new display for Albert hypermarkets was created to present the private Sommelier collection brand, which contains the best wines available in this chain. Czech sommelier Klára Kollárová guarantees for their selection, and consumers will recognize them by a special label with the “Sommelier collection” brand.

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