On Thursday, November 25th, the results of the POPAI Awards competition were announced, in which the best in-store communication projects at the point of sale on the domestic and foreign markets are being awarded. This year, we succeeded again and won a total of six awards.

Big Shock! brings the music experience directly to stores

Traditional summer limited edition of Big Shock! energy drinks. “MUSIC”, which represents the playfulness of musical experiences and summer festivals, now draws attention to itself in stores through a unique exhibition in the shape of headphones, which we created in...

Baby food Hami is being sold in Hamleys by the windmill

In Hamleys, the Prague toy store, an entertaining world Hamíkov, where parents can spend their leisure time with their children, was built in cooperation with the company Nutricia. We have created an interactive display for it with the offer of Hami baby food.

The permanent palette display should attract especially parents with children under the age of three. “We endeavour to ensure that people, who are spending their time in the new play area for children, remember our Hami brand that offers products for infants and toddlers. They can buy a fruit snack or varied lunch for their children in the form of Hami meat-and-vegetable complementary food. The display combining interactivity and products supports the increase in sales,” explains Lenka Doležalová, the Trade Marketing Manager from Nutricia, which sells the Hami baby food.

To ensure that parents and their children notice the display, we conceived it as a windmill with a footbridge surrounded by varicoloured animals. It attracts the attention of the youngest visitors who wish to play intuitively. Their attention is being attracted by three main playing elements: rotating blades of the mill, playing cubes with Hami icons that work together like a jigsaw puzzle, and the colourful footbridge children can walk on while their parents can take pictures of them.

The interactivity combined with attractive design makes this project to be fully trendy. The display embodies several functionalities. Nontraditionally, it shows parents the offered products and at the same time, it entertains children.

During the development of this display, we have focused not only on its design that had to correspond with the play area of Hamíkov, but we also focused on safety. “There was a risk that the display would stand just on the line between the carpet and linoleum. But DAGO proposed suitable materials and construction for the display that would eliminate possible floor unevenness,” adds Lenka Doleželová from Nutricia.

Projects similar to this one provide extraordinary adventures and experience. By this, they support sales and also strengthen the communicated brand. We love to solve similar projects enabling us to create innovative solutions and to bring the bigger value of proposals and realizations of palette presentations.

Your DAGO team

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