Shop in shop Nikon – Alza


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Best refreshment during barbecuing? Coca-Cola lures with roasted chops

The summer relaxed atmosphere should certainly include barbecuing and refreshing beverages cannot be missing. That is how we could sum up the main idea of the campaign “Barbecuing with Coca-Cola”, for which we produced a shop-in-shop with a table and a garden grill.

The display aims at a wide target group from the age of 19 years up. “The Shop-in-shop is intended mainly for large hypermarkets with quite a diverse mix of shoppers. This corresponds to a large, mainstream target group, according to which we designed the appearance and defined its functions,” explains Martin Zelený, the Channel Development Manager from Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.

The Shop-in-shop, which is evoking thoughts of a good mood and get-together with friends enjoying good food, combines three main elements – a gas garden grill, a table with plates and cutlery and stacked wooden logs. These evoke pleasant atmosphere associated with outdoors. Imitations of chops, which evoke an impression of being grilled, are also attractive element. This element gives customers a taste for grilled meat which should be washed down with something good to drink. This supports immediate as well as subsequent consumption.

The idea of using a garden grill arose during the last season. “We tried to prepare it from cardboard, but could not create the effect realistic enough. That is why we then decided to place a real garden grill into a shop-in-shop,” says Martin Zelený.

The display has been installed subsequently into stores of the Tesco and Ahold chains. And in Slovakia, also into Metro stores. We have produced totally 30 pieces of this display. “We succeeded to create premium and innovative solution appreciated by end customers as well as retailers,” adds Martin Zelený from Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling.

We are pleased that we could participate in this project. It greatly proves that client´s imaginativeness and willingness to do non-traditional creative projects positively shows in the final result.

Your DAGO team

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