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The lightly sparkling alcoholic beverage got a new variant Frisco Night last autumn. With this step, Plzensky Prazdroj, a.s. responded to the behaviour of consumers of the main target group – women under 35 years of age – v…

Futuristic P.O.P. Samsung presentation

The new premium line of refrigerators and washing machines by Samsung has its own small exhibition, realized by our company, in the Prague showroom of the kitchen studio Sykora. Because at the end of the last year, the comp…

Marketer of the Year 2015


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Smart display can mix drinks


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Our victory in POPAI AWARDS 2014

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Unique P.O.P. for M&M´s in TESCO

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Step to the pedals! Birell’s new display allures to the summer relax

How to draw attention of customers to the fact that they will find the non-alcoholic Birell refreshment for hot summer days also in the departments of beers, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages in their supermarket? For this purpose, the brand has been using a new end cap, we have produced, since the beginning of May. Its most significant element is a cut-in-half bicycle.

Cycling should evoke summer well-being with friends and family. “In the summer, people of all ages, who are tired of sitting at home, go cycling. We aim just at this kind of customers. That is why we placed a blue bicycle into the end cap symbolizing an active lifestyle and time spent with the closest ones,” describes Petr Dekan, the Senior Key Account Manager of Plzeňský Prazdroj.

During its production, the bicycle turned up to be a challenging element. It is a real bicycle, not a fake. We had to cut each bicycle in half and safely install it into a specific position. Thanks to the proposed design, everyone wants to touch the bicycle, so it was necessary to place and anchor it properly.

Plants and stones like outdoors

This display should attract also customers who drink the non-alcoholic refreshment immediately after buying it. “That is why, on the left, there is a glassed-in refrigerator filled with products in new PET bottles,” adds Petr Dekan from Plzeňský Prazdroj. The lower part of the end cap is decorated with stones and green plants.

The graphical composition of the plants in the light blue color forms the edging of the end cap. In the background, there is a picture of young people in the outdoors which provides a relaxed atmosphere to the end cap associated with moments of consumption. Into the upper left corner, we also installed special yellow lighting imitating sunny summer weather.

Since the first half of May, these end caps have been distributed to 17 selected Tesco stores across the Czech Republic. “We believe that we will be able to attract also customers who are looking for something different then ‘sweet lemonade’ in the summer, but would not look for it in the beer section,” adds Petr Dekan from Plzeňský Prazdroj.

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