Step to the pedals! Birell’s new display allures to the summer relax

How to draw attention of customers to the fact that they will find the non-alcoholic Birell refreshment for hot summer days also in the departments of beers, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages in their supermarket? For this purpose, the brand has been using a new end cap, we have produced, since the beginning of May.

We won 5 nominations at POPAI Awards 2019

From the nomination night of POPAI Awards, we go to finals with 5 nominations, which is the same number as the last year. The big finals will take place in June and there will be 270 projects in 44 categories contesting to win.


We produced a new pallet display for the Irish whiskey Tullamore D.E.W. in co-operation with our client and the leading producer of spirits Rémy Cointreau. It was located into selected Tesco CZ and SK stores.We chose cardboard as the main material for the production....

Tesco Mobile has a big shop-in-shop in Letnany

The mobile operator Tesco mobile has opened a shop-in-shop in Tesco store in Prague – Letnany. By this time, as a virtual operator, it had used only smaller pop-up contacts points for physical contact with customers that we r…

Captain Morgan “plows the waves” of Globus stores again

During July, in Globus chain, we can see an action display resembling a boat we have created for the Captain Morgan brand. Besides the emphasis on the sales campaign, its aim is also to build-up the brand. Its distinctive feature is a marine stylization in wooden design, with which the brand has a good experience.

A complete brand portfolio is presented on the display. “Customers have a chance to buy for a favourable price and try even other products of the brand. We place an emphasis especially on Captain Morgan Black Spiced and White Rum, but the dominant one is Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold which is also presented in a limited edition,” explained Zdeněk Bláha, the Captain Morgan Brand Manager, Stock Plzeň. The benefit of the large display is more space for the brand presentation at the time, when retail chains aim to achieve cleaner sales environment, and when there is not much room for building and communicating the brand. The customized solution we have created brings better results compared to communication just on shelves and standard formats. Large exposures, as a tool to support branding at the point of sale, become a trend in this context.

The marine theme is being inherently linked to the Captain Morgan brand. The actual display in Globus stores reflects elements of a boat construction. The wood has been arranged to look like being sea-beaten. Two years ago, we have developed the procedure of singeing, wire-brushing and staining, and it is used for each wooden display. There is also a captain figure with a rudder and a red pulsating light attracts attention of shoppers.

The four-palette display is deployed in three Globus stores. In other Globus stores, there have been placed one-palette wooden boats, which also attract attention with their design and valuable materials. Last year, these were tested and there proved better sales results compared to a cardboard version. This exposition in Globus stores will last until 23rd July 2018 and individual stores may prolong this action. Multi-palette non-standard displays are functional trend and the brand intends to continue using them.

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