POPAI Awards Paris: Four of our projects in the finals of Euro POPAI Awards Paris
Four of our realizations are advancing to the finals of the prestigious European Awards POPAI Awards Paris. At Tuesday´s competition, where 277 realizations from 37 categories participated, there were announced projects tha…
We win Shop! Global Award with Somersby display
The seventh year of the international competition Shop! Global Awards knows the winners of the best in-store realizations for the year 2016. Among the winners, there is also a display of the Somersby cider created by our te…
Nescafé Dolce with a customized mix of capsules
The company Nestlé, in co-operation with our company, prepared a possibility for favourers of Nescafé Dolce Gusto coffee to create own collection of capsules to their taste in a unique pop-up store, where customers can choo…
GEM-GEN2 – we have a new information system
Except interesting realizations, our DAGO team can show off another interesting thing. It is a unique tailor-made information system GEM of the second generation based on the Lotus Notes platform by IBM.
“In our company DAG…
Thanks for POPAI CE AWARDS 2016
On Thursday, 24th November, there took place this year´s POPAI Awards ceremony for the best advertisement means in the sphere of in-store communication. And just like last year, our company won most of the awards. We succeede…
DAGO as a partner of the POPAI HORECA research
The segment of hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes and similar distribution chnnels often uses tools of the P.O.P. communication for a contact with customers. Their function and influence on the consumer behaviour, value of br…
Oral-B ’’boasts’’ of interactive S-in-S in Alza
Oral-B, the brand of needs for dental hygiene of the company Procter&Gamble prepared a new shop-in-shop display for electric toothbrushes for its customers in Alza showrooms. It features premium design, which in addition to…
Pampers attracts moms with its interactive module
Together with the company Procter & Gamble, we have devised how to make a children´s section environment, namely a section of disposable nappies, more attractive and how to educate shoppers. In the chain of Globus supermark…
Jack Daniel’s celebrated its 150th anniversary with original shelves in Tesco stores
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the first Jack Daniel´s distiller, the company Brown-Forman prepared for its customers a campaign with the limited edition of Jack Daniel´s whiskey and premium pro…
Pet Center – store remodelling
Pet Center, the retailer of goods for pets, redesigns its stores and invites its customers to airier and more modern environment. The modernized concept of in-store design does not concern only newly opened stores, but also…
Chráněné dílny
Naše společnost rozšířila v letošním srpnu spolupráci s organizacemi se statutem chráněná dílna. V kontextu našeho etického kodexu se snažíme pomoci handicapovaným občanům se níženou pracovní schopností, tedy těm, kteří mají o práci zájem, ale běžným způsobem ji nemohou získat.
Tímto krokem dokládáme i plnění náročných standardů norem ISO 9001:2008 a 10006:2003. Díky tomu, že se celý tým DAGO snaží být v této oblasti maximálně iniciativní, máme za sebou již velice zdařilé a úspěšné realizace.
Jsme přesvědčeni, že jsme zvolili správný přístup, a věříme, že se stane častějším standardem v soukromém podnikání dalších malých a středních firem v našem oboru i mimo něj.