Original Metaxa party
Together with the company Rémy Cointreau, we came up with an idea how to make upcoming summer parties originally special. For its customers in Bratislava, the company offers a container Metaxa Partyhaus furnished as a livin…
Victory at POPAI Awards Paris for three of our projects
Paris, Prague 16th June 2016 – From this year´s prestigious European contest POPAI Awards Paris, three awards go to the Czech Republic, all of them for projects realized by our company. From France, we will bring one gold,…
Nescafé Dolce Gusto invites for a coffee with a new POP media
The company Nestlé prepared a new branding for coffee lovers and also a bigger package of the popular coffee – Nescafé Dolce Gusto. As a part of the complex support, we realized a modern and elegant display for our client w…
DAGO is a new partner of the POPAI CE research project
The knowledge of the Czech retail market is essential for our work. At the same time we really care about its functioning and hence we, in DAGO, welcomed the possibility to become a partner of the research project of POPAI…
Metaxa home party and pleasant get-together with a Kingswood Rosé cider
We got an opportunity from our clients to develop and implement just two realizations for products from the alcoholic drinks category into stores. One of them is an original shelf Metaxa module advising customers how to cre…
Vitana farmers´ market in hypermarkets
Prague, May 9th 2016 – The company Vitana, the leader in the soup product category, introduced a new line of soups and decided to support their launch using an attractive display. Customers were attracted to the great produ…
POPAI Awards Paris – this year, we were successful again.
Prague, Paris, 7th April 2016 – On Tuesday, the prestigious European competition POPAI Awards Paris announced projects qualified for the June finals. Three of them were realized by our company and it is already evident that…
Pinterest bits
Pinterest bits ] In the year 2016, our company has ranked among the brands awarded as Business Superbrands. It is a prestigious prize awarded to brands with an outstanding position on… Together with the company Brown-Forman Czechia distributing premium alcohol brands, as Jack Daniel´s, Pepe Lopez and others, we have created second generation smart displays that can print recipes for mixed drinks according t…
And again, we bring you some of the interesting realizations found on Pinterest.
These realizations and many others can be found on
DAGO is superbrand of the year 2016
Introduction into the mixology in a MAKRO store
Chráněné dílny
Naše společnost rozšířila v letošním srpnu spolupráci s organizacemi se statutem chráněná dílna. V kontextu našeho etického kodexu se snažíme pomoci handicapovaným občanům se níženou pracovní schopností, tedy těm, kteří mají o práci zájem, ale běžným způsobem ji nemohou získat.
Tímto krokem dokládáme i plnění náročných standardů norem ISO 9001:2008 a 10006:2003. Díky tomu, že se celý tým DAGO snaží být v této oblasti maximálně iniciativní, máme za sebou již velice zdařilé a úspěšné realizace.
Jsme přesvědčeni, že jsme zvolili správný přístup, a věříme, že se stane častějším standardem v soukromém podnikání dalších malých a středních firem v našem oboru i mimo něj.