Shop in shop ACER for Alza

How to attract customers not to be afraid to try all displayed technologies of the Acer brand in a store with electronics and perhaps even buy them? We bet on spacious and elegant shop-in-shop.

The company Acer used the ac…

JOJO shop-in-shop in TESCO

In August, Nestle gave us the opportunity to create specific shop-in-shops for the popular brand of JOJO candies. So in Czech Tesco stores, there is being created a specific candy world, which will attract customers at firs…

Czech World of Grilling 2

The company Groupe Bongrain, in co-operation with our company, built on the last year´s successful campaign of the Czech World of Grilling as it, again this year, prepared grilling themed promo-spots for customers of Inters…

Top Class Shop in Shop Becherovka

Our new shop-in-shops for Becherovka increase sales at the Prague Airport in six Aelia Duty Free shops
Shoppers in duty free shops Aelia at the Václav Havel Airport have the chance to get something typical Czech at the last…

Imperial Tobacco illuminating displays

Actually we came up with an elegant and simple solution how to attract potential customers of the Imperial Tobacco brand immediately when entering the store. For our client, we designed, produced and installed new lighting…

Euroshop 2014 – a sci-fi reality

Our business is extremely changing and developing. A clear evidence of that was this year´s retail trade fair Euroshop 2014. Several members of our DAGO team have visited it traditionally and so we can share our impressions…

Demo walls for mobile phones in Electroworld

Our lighting walls for mobile phones remind a child´s puzzle. With several clicks on a controller, it is possible to change their colour and it is also easy to change a brand logo. Entire transformation of an actual mobile-…

New LEGO worlds : Let´s play!


For our client – company LEGO, our company has created a unique installation of LEGO worlds for little and big fans of this world-famous brand designed for the toy-st…

Follow DAGO news and views on Linked In !


If you are not on the social network today, it is like you do not live. That is why we decided to present DAGO on Linked In – the world largest professional network….

POPAI Awards – most awards for DAGO


Among all entered contestants, our company won most awards in this year´s international competition of best communication and advertising means at points of sales POP…

Connecting two different concepts Stock met with success

Four-pallet display for Stock Plzeň a.s. was a real challenge. It combined presentations of two completely different concepts. On one hand, two novelties expanding the Božkov Republica family, namely the rum elixir Božkov Republica Espresso and the sugar-cane vodka Božkov Republica Vodka. On the other hand, the classic – the good old Fernet Stock Božkov. In both cases, we made great use of space and highlighted the main idea that the client wanted to combine with the drinks – one two-pallet display evokes the environment of the bar and within the other one, we underlined the process of production and distillation. Both displays are connected by several real elements, which not only pleasantly brightened the whole concept but also added aesthetics to it.

A challenge for the whole team
Such compact assignments are not completely common in our practice. Usually, the client focuses on only one product within one presentation, or on one product group, which is very close in design and differs, for example, only in different flavors. “The opportunity to try to promote several unique products within just one display was a great new challenge for us. By underlining the method of production on one hand and the main raw material of production, on the other hand, we separated the displays from each other and at the same time connected them subliminally, so that both could work separately, but also form a great whole,” describes our project manager Miroslav Obrátil.

Positive feedback from the client and experts
The feedback from the client was very favorable. As a part of the campaign for the new Stock concept, namely the launch of the new products Božkov Republica Espresso and Božkov Republica Vodka, we created several POS displays. One of them was the already mentioned very popular four-pallet display – when we do not count the two-pallet display premium, which became the winner of the category of alcoholic beverages in the POPAI Awards 2020.

In total, we have launched 16 displays for Stock Plzeň a.s., which were placed in Kaufland stores. Despite the great variety of individual details, the display is still quite easily decomposable and it is, therefore, possible to use it in other stores in the future.


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