Original Metaxa party

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Victory at POPAI Awards Paris for three of our projects

Paris, Prague 16th June 2016 – From this year´s prestigious European contest POPAI Awards Paris, three awards go to the Czech Republic, all of them for projects realized by our company. From France, we will bring one gold,…

DAGO is a new partner of the POPAI CE research project

The knowledge of the Czech retail market is essential for our work. At the same time we really care about its functioning and hence we, in DAGO, welcomed the possibility to become a partner of the research project of POPAI…

Vitana farmers´ market in hypermarkets

Prague, May 9th 2016 – The company Vitana, the leader in the soup product category, introduced a new line of soups and decided to support their launch using an attractive display. Customers were attracted to the great produ…

Pinterest bits


Pinterest bits
And again, we bring you some of the interesting realizations found on Pinterest.
These realizations and many others can be found on

DAGO is superbrand of the year 2016


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Introduction into the mixology in a MAKRO store

Together with the company Brown-Forman Czechia distributing premium alcohol brands, as Jack Daniel´s, Pepe Lopez and others, we have created second generation smart displays that can print recipes for mixed drinks according t…

Demo walls for mobile phones in Electroworld

Our lighting walls for mobile phones remind a child´s puzzle. With several clicks on a controller, it is possible to change their colour and it is also easy to change a brand logo. Entire transformation of an actual mobile-phone´s offer in a store is much faster than before. Thanks to them, customers can notice top products from a mobile-phone´s offer from afar.

Our company, already for the second time, embarked on a comprehensive solution of a product category in stores with electronics, and in a co-operation with Electroworld, we have designed, produced and installed sales lighting walls for mobile phones.

Electroworld´s customers could see an interesting POP solution already in Čestlice, but installation is now being done in other twenty stores throughout the Czech Republic.

Clarity, simplicity and the possibility of rapid changes

What is so special on these lighting walls? First, it is the clarity and simplicity providing customers with a clear view of a mobile-phone´s assortment by a concrete brand and maximally supporting their orientation within a various assortment of mobile phones. This also follows the overall strategy of the concept of Electroworld´s sales space. Secondly, the panels feature a flexible manipulation. Electroworld employees can easily change their appearance using a remote controller.

So with several clicks, it is possible to set a colour of the panel and an electronic 3D logo of a given brand easily. „If an exhibition area is not big enough due to a store offer change, you can simply attach another part of the wall. The entire installation works on the flexible puzzle principle similar to Lego,” Marek Končitík, Sales and Marketing Director of our Company, highlights the advantages of the lighting walls.

The best products of exhibited brands remain highlighted

Installation also does not restrict customers anyhow as they can try out different mobiles and “touch” them as they are commonly used to. Active interaction with real functional products increases the possibility of buying them. The third advantage, aiming at sales promotion of given brands´ products, is highlighting the best products of a given producer in action lighted boxes. „We consult the selection of top products with producers. Most often these are the latest phones in our offer,” says Michal Navrátil, Manager of the Telecommunication Division of Electroworld. For our customers, this approach facilitates their orientation and decision making process.

With their complexity, the lighting walls for mobile phones build on an experience with the previous successful POP application of our company. For example, the last year´s solution for photo-video category in the same stores, or the international project of promo tables for Canon cameras, for which we won the main award in the promo-display´s category at last year´s POPAI Awards.

Your Dago team


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