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Endcap for Coca-Cola will pull you into the game

Big black puck, two hockey sticks on the sides and enthusiastic funs in the background – these are the most noticeable elements of the end cap we made for Coca-Cola. It refers to the upcoming hockey world championship and it´s goal is to connect this winter sport with the Coca-Cola brand as a well-known supporter of sports activities.

The production of the end cap has been largely influenced by the client´s demand for easy goods handling. “We wanted it to be easy and effective to place goods into a display, but at the same time, not to affect the sufficient brand visibility,” explains Gabriela Mandrikova, the Channel Development Specialist of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.

In the production of the end cap we unusually used only cardboard, the customer will find no other material on it. It is quite complicated material, because it is easy to break when forming and bending it. Therefore we had to pattern it several times. No one else in the Czech Republic does purely cardboard branding.

Hockey ambassadors also participate

In the middle of the end cap, a distinctive hockey disc with the championship mascot, Macejk bear, will catch your eye. The bottom of the display has an ice-silver colour, the side of the end cap is lined with a pair of red hockey sticks. Above the display, there “floats” a black cube with the Coca-Cola logo. It imitates the scoreboard on which the actual results show during a real match. “We are trying to bring the hockey atmosphere to the sales area using these elements,” adds Gabriela Mandrikova form Coca-Cola.

In addition, on both sides the topper is completed with proof-press of characteristic of stadium reflectors, which look very realistic. The background is complemented by a photo of hockey fans with one of the two ambassadors of the championship – world-famous hockey players Patrik Elias and Marian Hossa.

The end cap was located in approximately 40 Tesco stores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Some of them are also in stores of the Slovak Fresh chain.

After several weeks, when this end cap appeared in stores, we have experienced positive feedback. “We are extremely satisfied with the result. For some customers, after installing the end cap, we managed to extend the exposure time by another month. Great execution on the part of the manufacturer has also proved by a nice event directly from the market, when a customer asked us, whether this end cap could be bought,” adds Gabriela Mandrikova from Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.

Your DAGO team

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