Metaxa is developing the brand in retail

The brand of Greek Metaxa distillates came up with a display in Globus stores. In addition to sales promotion, it focuses on building the brand. This year, there is a good opportunity for it, as Metaxa is just going through…

BIG SHOCK! Dakar adrenaline

The energy drink brand “BIG SHOCK!” has prepared a competition for its customers to win a ride in a racing special that took part in this year´s Dakar Rally. A two-palette display with a cardboard racing truck special attra…

Remodelling of the Nestlé brand store

Nestlé carried out remodelling of its company store in Prague – Modřany. The assignment sought an innovative solution that will manage to even better represent the company and its products. The combination of materials and…

Adrenaline by OMEN from HP in Alza

A series of game products from HP called OMEN attracts passionate players to a gaming zone in Alza branch stores in Prague and Bratislava. We have created it in a temperament design using geometric shapes and red lighting….

POPAI AWARDS – 10 Awards

On 23rd November, there were announced the POPAI Awards for the best advertising means in the sphere of in-store communication for the year 2017. We won awards for six of our projects that evening. The most successful was o…

Éro Shepherd goes crazy about Brit Meaty Jerky in stores

In cooperation with the Czech pet food manufacturer VAFO Prague, we introduced the new dog snack Brit Meaty Jerky using an original permanent display. It will be available in most of the 75 countries where the company operates.

“Our goal was to draw attention to the important attributes of Brit Meaty Jerky, which – as one of the few – is being produced in the EU, in high quality and according to European standards, using the unusual in-store communication typical for us,” Milan Rytíř, Trade & Export Marketing Manager VAFO Prague, explains the idea of the concept and adds: “Traditionally, we used a colleague’s dog as the main star, this time a Belgian shepherd named Éro, who accurately represents the product claim ‘crazy about meat’.“

The display should support impulse purchases and increase sales of snacks in general. VAFO is a European leading manufacturer of premium pet food, distributing its products to more than 75 countries, and most of them will see this new display.

“Whenever we prepare POS or POP material, we are very happy to test it directly in our showroom. We quickly get feedback from many colleagues from all our departments and we can evaluate the primary response of customers. Even in the case of the new display for jerky, their reactions were great,“ praises Milan Rytíř.

Our designers aimed to show the joy and eagerness of a dog that sees a new snack. “The exhibition consists of a wooden body and plastic 3D elements. We placed the greatest emphasis on an insanely happy dog longing for jerky and information about individual flavors in combination with meat. Finally, we slightly refreshed the whole idea and lightened it with artificial lawn and flowers,” explains Markéta Čichovská, our Project Manager.


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