Parrot and hologram! JOJO presents itself with colourful displays

These days, JOJO confectionery hardly escapes the attention of most shoppers. For its promotion, we have produced two types of pallet displays you could currently see in selected stores. The first one presents the brand using a hologram; the second one has a plush parrot that lures shoppers.

Becherovka shows the best at the airport

Becherovka from Karlovy Vary has decided to show people from all over the world the best from its portfolio. For this purpose, it uses our shop-in-shop located in a busy place at Prague Airport. Passers-by can even smell some of the herbs from which the well-known alcoholic liqueur is made.

Coca-Cola bet on sustainability in restaurants

Many restaurants in Czech and Slovak will look much better. They will welcome their guests in newly equipped outdoor and indoor spaces we created for Coca-Cola. We placed emphasis on sustainable development and natural materials.

A car drives out of the Heineken pallet island

Flashing lights, illuminated tube, and 3D effects – these are the most distinctive elements of our pallet island for Zlatý Bažant radlers, which are now catching attention in Slovak stores. Among other things, the display has a relatively unusual function of prompt rebranding.

Cola by Birell placed under a rooster

“It would be great to come closer and take a can,” say customers who have already seen our end cap for the new Cola by Birell in Czech stores. And that is all right! This display wants to stimulate curiosity and the desire to discover.

The Cappy end cap allures you for breakfast

What could be better than starting each day with a delicious breakfast, which includes fresh fruit juice on the table? Our new end cap, we made for Cappy drinks, communicates such a message. It attracts passers-by in a store with its classic materials, stylish lighting and real food.

New office launched in Slovakia

In May, we are opening our first branch office in Slovakia. We have been active in Slovakia since 2018, when one project manager has been working there. The number of customers increased since then, so opening a new office proved to be a logical step.

We produce an adapter “Nakliku”. It minimizes virus transmission

Door handles are a place where large number of bacteria and harmful substances cumulate. So it is important for people to touch these places as little as possible. In cooperation with Tomas Bata University in Zlin, we have developed a special plastic adapter, thanks to which you can open doors with handles by your forearm. Due to the principle of its use, this invention is called “Nakliku”.

Canon shop-in-shop in Ljubljana

The Canon camera manufacturer sells its products in the Czech Republic as well as in more than two hundred other countries. It operates also in Slovenia looking for a way how to introduce its portfolio of printers and cameras to the public. Therefore, it has implemented a design promo-stall to support the displayed goods directly at the point of sale.

With Big Shock! to Dakar Rally

A competition for a ride in the truck, which participates in the world-famous Dakar Rally, is here! The Limited Edition of the Big Shock! energy drink, for which we have designed an end cap and a pallet island display, refers to this competition.


Schubert Apotheke
Pullach, Germany

The modern interior made of a light wood with thoughtful lighting and a warm shade of tiles creates a feeling of coziness despite its austerity. The emphasis on every detail then “tells” the customer that he is in good hands here. The design lights above the tare attract attention. The architects from the award-winning Raumkontor studio in Düsseldorf are behind the design.
The reconstruction took place in 2019.

Grade: 2
At first glance, the light shades of wood in combination with metal and grey accessories do not evoke a feeling of a “pharmacy environment”, which was probably also one of the designers’ goals. The reason was probably the offer to avoid the deep-rooted discomfort we feel when we have to go to the pharmacy (usually due to some illness or pain). The environment, therefore, has a very calm and clean effect on customers. At first glance, I would rather see it in a store with organic natural cosmetics than a pharmacy with pharmaceutical goods. There is no education, action goods, or other elements, crucial especially for older generations. So I would rather see targeting younger people. In my opinion, technically and design-wise, it has been processed very nicely and precisely, but I’m not sure if it is a good solution for the pharmacy.

Medly Pharmacy
Brooklyn, USA

Medly Pharmacy is a digital pharmacy that delivers over-the-counter and prescription drugs on the same day that the customer orders them. The company, owned by father and son Marg and Sahaj Patel, rebuilt a B&M pharmacy in 2018, which also serves as a distribution point for orders. The new look, designed by Sergio Mannino, reflects the need to connect the online and offline worlds.

Grade: 5
The vision of connecting the online and offline world is the right direction, no one doubts that. The advantage of this concept that customers receive their ordered goods the same day is great. Unfortunately, looking at the design and construction of the pharmacy and dispensary space gives me shivers. The cold to chilly design reminds the environment of a hospital or some medical institution, and I think that, unfortunately, this is a place where no one wants to go. The stone shop counter, which in its lower part looks like being after a flood in my opinion is not a suitable piece of design. The same goes for the minimalist green seats. Unfortunately, I think that this is not a well-chosen store design. At the pharmacy, the goal should be that when people have to go there, the vendor should try to create a better mood through the atmosphere.

Pharmacy in Zwickau

Heinrich Braun Hospital got a new pharmacy on the premises several years ago. The exterior, which complements the architecture of the surroundings with its sharp shapes, contrasts the interior design. The bent dark wood (Guibourtia ehie) is complemented by white smooth surfaces and illuminated shelves in the color of green apple. Daylight is brought in by large ceiling skylights. The design is the work of the Leipzig Atelier st studio.

Grade: 1
I think this is a well-designed pharmacy. Whether from outside or inside. At first glance, the exterior resembles a small modern church and it fits beautifully. It also has its label, thanks to which everyone immediately knows what it is, in such a minimalist way. The interior space is well used. The shelves have enough space to present products, which customers can view and consider the purchase, which is very important for pharmaceutical products. The wooden white lacquered counter, complemented by a wood decor, beautifully lines the entire store and is also unobtrusively practical – space to lay down the bag or enough space where the purchased medicines can be stacked. The technical processing is wonderful clean work. Large ceiling lights also guarantee plenty of lighting. Very successful implementation.

Reviewed by Anna Brůžková, DAGO s.r.o.
Source: Marketing & Media 8/2021


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