Successful campaign = set of more POSs!
Did you know that most purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale?
Nomination in POPAI Awards Paris for Nestlé’s Home Café
In this year's POPAI Awards Paris 2022, our project for the Starbucks and Nescafé Dolce Gusto brands was nominated in the category of permanent POS - food and beverage. The display won the Food category in the Czech POPAI Awards 2021. We created a shop in shop called...
Tssst! Mattoni attracts attention to its novelties with its new POS
This year, as part of the sales expositions, Mattoni bet on original iridescent displays and pallet displays.
New POS Tullamore D.E.W. shows what Irish barbecue means
Barbecue simply belongs to summer. Hardly anybody can refuse the sun’s rays, whiskey, and well-prepared meat.
Ondrášovka in a new jacket is also changing its display in the sales area
The producer of one of the oldest Czech mineral waters – Ondrášovka, the company Kofola ČeskoSlovensko, has invested in technologies that think about nature protection and reflect the demanding requirements for sustainability.
Hisense Group presents two new shop-in-shops in the latest Alza showroom
Interesting project for customers of the Alza showroom in Chrášťany, Prague, presents white and black goods from the MORA and Hisense brands.
“Cirkulka” by Kofola reflects sustainability in the production of POS
Kofola ČeskoSlovensko has introduced its traditional drinks Kofola, Vinea, and Rajec in returnable bottles to the retail network this year.
DAGO has expanded with a new assembly hall in record time
New job orders require new and larger premises – that is why in April we opened a new assembly hall, which is located just a short distance from our Headquarters in Zdice.
Birell Světlý represents a new recipe after 30 years
How to inform customers that Birell Světlý represents an improved recipe after thirty years?
Displays for paints by AkzoNobel Coatings CZ: New every year, yet maximally sustainable
Three years ago, we produced, at first glance, ordinary metal displays for the company AkzoNobel, which sells decorative paints. Since then, we have been working with them regularly.
The company Dago is currently coming with many innovations that enhance existing range of products, so we can offer to our clients a much wider application of their ideas and opportunities, what types of POP material place and how to attract even more attention of customers.
Novinkou, která působí především na smysly zákazníka a jeho nákupní rozhodování ovlivňuje spíše podvědomě, jsou VŮNĚ. Škála typů a druhů vůni je nepřeberná, lze připravit vůni prakticky na míru podle přání zákazníka. Momentálně máme k dispozici na testy například vůně kávy, vanilky, coly, lze použít vůně květin, čokolády, čerstvého pečiva apod.
Rozprašování vůní funguje na bázi elektrického rozprašovače s různými náplněmi, který je připojen do sítě.
Hlavní výhodou užití vůní spočívá v navození příjemné atmosféry v rámci prodejního místa, kdy člověka upoutají nejen vizuální vjemy, ale i příjemná vůně prostředí, která je navíc úzce spojena s nabízeným produktem.