Step to the pedals! Birell’s new display allures to the summer relax

How to draw attention of customers to the fact that they will find the non-alcoholic Birell refreshment for hot summer days also in the departments of beers, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages in their supermarket? For this purpose, the brand has been using a new end cap, we have produced, since the beginning of May.

We won 5 nominations at POPAI Awards 2019

From the nomination night of POPAI Awards, we go to finals with 5 nominations, which is the same number as the last year. The big finals will take place in June and there will be 270 projects in 44 categories contesting to win.


We produced a new pallet display for the Irish whiskey Tullamore D.E.W. in co-operation with our client and the leading producer of spirits Rémy Cointreau. It was located into selected Tesco CZ and SK stores.We chose cardboard as the main material for the production....

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Frisco Night lure for a nightlife through its display

The lightly sparkling alcoholic beverage got a new variant Frisco Night last autumn. With this step, Plzensky Prazdroj, a.s. responded to the behaviour of consumers of the main target group – women under 35 years of age – visiting different parties. To communicate the new flavour in the off-trade channel, its producer used an original conception of a temporary display designed and produced by our company. So that our displays lure for the night party atmosphere in Billa, Tesco, Albert and COOP stores and use a real disco-ball to intensify the experience.

The Frisco Night drink brings a new flavour Cucumber & Mint with higher alcohol content – 7 % instead of 4,5 %. Thus Plzensky Prazdroj responds to the fact that the target group includes women under 35 years of age who drink Frisco at club and home parties. For this reason the company used an original conception of a temporary P.O.P. medium to introduce the new flavour in the off-trade channel. So that we decided to approach the Frisco Night display to match its conception as a stylish addition to every night party. It lures for the night life atmosphere and uses a real disco-ball to intensify it. „We built mainly on the elegant and premium design of the brand, which appeals especially women, and so we wanted to surprise them at points of sales” Jana Waldhansova, our Senior Project Manager, explains the preparation of the creative design. Radka Hejdukova, the Project Manager of our company adds: „to maximise the impulse potential, we have used also a thematic „call-to-action” challenge at the display – „Enjoy all colours of the night”. And we also distinguished particular shelves with colours according to particular Frisco variants to orient customers the best and also inspire them at first glance by the offer of all the new flavours“.

Glitter of the night life

The final form of the display has the ability to attract buyers, stimulate their emotions and feelings and lure them for the product and moment of its consumption. The specific colour scheme of the shelves and decent body of the display, complemented with a key visual of a young girl and the mentioned disco-ball, provides a significant differentiation from conventional displays customers usually meet in this product category. The whole rendering also suitably follows up the ATL communication and tries to „reap in stores what has been sown in hearts of customers and outside”.

Customers appreciate the new display

Also our customer Lucie Vaverova, the Shopper Marketing Specialist of Plzensky Prazdroj, confirms the success of the new display form: „The disco-ball perfectly attracts attention of shoppers and so it supports stylishly the novelty Frisco Night and the entire brand redesign.” And she adds: „And we also have a positive feedback on the new displays from our customers”.

We delivered and produced totally 715 displays, 252 of them have 3D disco-ball and the rest have just its 2D version. These displays have been placed into stores in November 2014 and we can still meet them.
We wish many joyful experiences to Frisco Night products and to their customers.

Your DAGO team

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