Original Metaxa party

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Victory at POPAI Awards Paris for three of our projects

Paris, Prague 16th June 2016 – From this year´s prestigious European contest POPAI Awards Paris, three awards go to the Czech Republic, all of them for projects realized by our company. From France, we will bring one gold,…

DAGO is a new partner of the POPAI CE research project

The knowledge of the Czech retail market is essential for our work. At the same time we really care about its functioning and hence we, in DAGO, welcomed the possibility to become a partner of the research project of POPAI…

Vitana farmers´ market in hypermarkets

Prague, May 9th 2016 – The company Vitana, the leader in the soup product category, introduced a new line of soups and decided to support their launch using an attractive display. Customers were attracted to the great produ…

Pinterest bits


Pinterest bits
And again, we bring you some of the interesting realizations found on Pinterest.
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DAGO is superbrand of the year 2016


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Introduction into the mixology in a MAKRO store

Together with the company Brown-Forman Czechia distributing premium alcohol brands, as Jack Daniel´s, Pepe Lopez and others, we have created second generation smart displays that can print recipes for mixed drinks according t…

Futuristic P.O.P. Samsung presentation

The new premium line of refrigerators and washing machines by Samsung has its own small exhibition, realized by our company, in the Prague showroom of the kitchen studio Sykora. Because at the end of the last year, the company Samsung Electronics has launched a new premium line of refrigerators and washing machines into the Czech and Slovak market. Within the expansion of available sales channels, Samsung has started collaboration with the kitchen studio Sykora to provide all interested parties with a selection of top quality domestic appliances in one place, where they plan forms of their kitchens and households. Newly, customers can sit by the exhibited products for a while and study in detail the appliances situated on raised platforms, one of which even rotates. Besides our company, also the agency Cheil took part in the creative conception, production and implementation of the entire P.O.P. application.

The exhibition gives impression of a modern art gallery and tempts visitors of the Sykora studio showroom in Prague – Harfa to purchase. „We came up with a modern high-tech design which well represents exclusivity of the Samsung brand as well as the elegant conception of the surroundings,” Jakub Vetrovec, Leader of Retail Experience of projects of the Cheil agency, describes the visual aspect of the P.O.P. medium.

The new exhibition, however, does not attract attention only thanks to its timeless design. „We have situated the refrigerators and washing machines on a raised platform, lit them up and took advantage of the motion effect which naturally attracts attention and allows viewing the great products from all sides in one place. Because the exhibited washing machines are rotating all the time,” says Bo-Hyun Choi, the Designer of the Cheil agency.

Sitting island as in a gallery

Also the selected material matches with the futuristic design. The special platforms are made of MDF material with a high gloss lacquered surface which highlights the premium character of the exhibited products. The exhibition includes also LCD monitors complementing the high-tech image of the entire exhibition and also provides information about the exhibited products.

The final conception also incorporates a sitting island facing the refrigerators and washing machines. So that customers of the showroom have the opportunity to read more about the Samsung products in provided brochures and especially view the exhibition as a whole. „In this case, it is really rather a sort of modern art mini-gallery than a common P.O.P. application. It is actually a kind of domestic Samsung art gallery,” Marek Koncitik, the Commercial Director of our company which produced and installed the entire project, says his impressions at the conclusion.

Newly you can see project video via our Youtube channel :

Your DAGO team


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