Reflections of summer on Pinterest

Realizations and designs that have attracted us and could appeal to you as well.

These and many other worldwide POP inspirations can be continually found on DAGO Pinterest.

We support children and seniors

We are not alone in the world. It is human and natural to help others, especially to people who can´t help themselves. We, therefore, decided to contribute with 250,000 CZK to several projects this year that we think are ve…

Gold at POPAI Awards Paris with Kofola

In the category ”Drinks” of the prestigious European competition POPAI Awards Paris, we won a gold medal together with our client Kofola for the realization of a pallet island for the Rajec brand. Our other three projects w…

Fresh Pinterest goodies


And again, we bring you some of the interesting realizations found on Pinterest. This time with the Christmas theme.
These realizations and many others can be found o…

LG trendy shopping in Alza

Together with the LG Electronics brand, we created another interesting project. On the 42 square meters of the Prague Alza Showroom, we participated in the creation of the fully functional shop-in-shop presenting several ty…

Euroshop 2017 through the eyes of DAGO team

In March, there took place the traditional biggest EuroShop Trade Fair in Düsseldorf focused on retailing in the sphere of equipment, solutions and communication. During the five days, visitors had the opportunity to learn ab…

Orion creates Easter atmosphere in stores

In addition to Czech traditional plaited osier stick and coloured eggs, carolers associate Easter also with chocolate delicacies. Leading producer of Orion chocolate Nestlé knows this and decided to colaborate with us on cr…

Oral-B ’’boasts’’ of interactive S-in-S in Alza

Oral-B, the brand of needs for dental hygiene of the company Procter&Gamble prepared a new shop-in-shop display for electric toothbrushes for its customers in Alza showrooms. It features premium design, which in addition to its appearance and use of materials reflects by stimulating customer´s interaction with exposed product. Our DAGO team, the author of the display, used a mechanics, when gripping a toothbrush goes with augmented reality through a product spot and showing an actual customer reviews from Alza websites.

The main motivation for creating such a significant display was an effort to make customers to try those toothbrushes. ’’We wanted to provide consumers with an easy and accurate acquaintance with the product. In addition to this, they can also get a picture of the satisfaction of other customers and take advantage of their references for their purchase decisions,’’ says Andrej Murgaš, who is in charge of the dental products strategy within the company Procter&Gamble for the Czech and Slovak market. Within the display, there dominates a two meters high model of the new product GENIUS, which includes many advanced features and offers links to a mobile phone. So using the high-tech features suggested itself.

The display will be used on a long-term basis and Alza, as a key partner, provided an area of 9 m2 in showrooms in Prague and Bratislava. The realization, therefore, had to meet high expectations. 3D model of the novelty GENIUS uses a light indication of dental care modes like the real product. If a customer comes closer, the screens will invite him to gripe one of the toothbrushes. Then, the given product spot starts and it is also showing the Alza customer reviews of customers who recently bought such a toothbrush. ’’This display is unique in Europe and I believe that it will help to get a superior and deserved attention to the product novelty in the showroom,’’ says Andrej Murgaš.

The display proves its technological advancement in communication with shoppers and it also provides the brand with valuable data for marketing. The system monitors the frequency and time of each manipulation with exposed toothbrushes. These data are available in real time through the website interface and further used for planning sales promotions of the exposed assortment.

Your DAGO team

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