In-store in Shanghai and Peking


We just came back from the world, where we went for another in-store adventure with the traditional goal to get inspired and check out new trends in P.O.P. communicat…


On the occasion of introducing a new gift package, we have supplied a real stylish bath tub to selected TESCO stores for our client STOCK Plzen – the distributor of the famous liqueur. The original exposition was intended t…

Frisco Night lure for a nightlife through its display

The lightly sparkling alcoholic beverage got a new variant Frisco Night last autumn. With this step, Plzensky Prazdroj, a.s. responded to the behaviour of consumers of the main target group – women under 35 years of age – v…

Futuristic P.O.P. Samsung presentation

The new premium line of refrigerators and washing machines by Samsung has its own small exhibition, realized by our company, in the Prague showroom of the kitchen studio Sykora. Because at the end of the last year, the comp…

Marketer of the Year 2015


As we care about the Czech marketing, we are trying to support it in many different ways. One of our activities is already a long-term partnership in the contest Mark…

Smart display can mix drinks


Mixed drinks and spirits belong to each other. So why don´t we offer recipes how to prepare the right cocktail to our customers directly in a store? Thanks to the new…

Our victory in POPAI AWARDS 2014

Nine – that is just the exact number of times we won awards for our P.O.P. applications registered for the international competition for the best communication means and advertisements at points of sales POPAI AWARDS. The pro…

Unique palette exposition for Budvar

For our customer Budějovický Budvar, n.p., we have created a non-traditional sales units for secondary exposition of promoted group packages of Budvar beer. In addition to a design and production done in a record time, we have provided also their installation to sales points including filling them with goods.

It is a unique interpretation of an action palette island. Its non-traditionality consists especially in untypical attractive appearance and shape, specific size and luminous and moving elements. The exhibition has been completed with an action show-case with a presented gift customers might get in a Budvar beer package within the promo action. The gift in the show-case is illuminated and rotates on a pedestal thanks to a servomotor. The exposition has been designed to provide maximal possibility for exhibited products to excel. The way of their placement and position of a package encourages symbolically customers to buy it. Thanks to these attributes, the POP element actively disturbs customers from their shopping routine, encourages their interest and greatly strengthens sales efficiency of the whole campaign. Considerable difference from common palette exhibitions caused a conscious interest of shoppers in the exhibition itself, which is not being common in the case of similar media.

Statement by the project submitter: Ing. Josef Kroulík
Off-trade Communication Manager, Budějovický Budvar, n.p.

At the beginning of each in-store project for the Budweiser Budvar brand, there is our attempt to look at traditional things from a new perspective. The display we have used to expose the action multipacks within the „golden“ times before Christmas was not an exception in this respect. It was a purpose not to use a display similar to a classical rack with its shape. On the contrary, great emphasis was placed on elements, which have a maximal potential to interest: non-traditional shape, light, motion and clear communication of a product added value. All these elements showed very functional in a flood of traditional POS solutions. In addition to fulfilling expected sales goals, this project brought also an effect that POS materials – as advertising message carriers – usually do not have. It provoked a discussion among shoppers, which caused having some effect also outside a hypermarket.

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