Parrot and hologram! JOJO presents itself with colourful displays

These days, JOJO confectionery hardly escapes the attention of most shoppers. For its promotion, we have produced two types of pallet displays you could currently see in selected stores. The first one presents the brand using a hologram; the second one has a plush parrot that lures shoppers.

Becherovka shows the best at the airport

Becherovka from Karlovy Vary has decided to show people from all over the world the best from its portfolio. For this purpose, it uses our shop-in-shop located in a busy place at Prague Airport. Passers-by can even smell some of the herbs from which the well-known alcoholic liqueur is made.

Coca-Cola bet on sustainability in restaurants

Many restaurants in Czech and Slovak will look much better. They will welcome their guests in newly equipped outdoor and indoor spaces we created for Coca-Cola. We placed emphasis on sustainable development and natural materials.

A car drives out of the Heineken pallet island

Flashing lights, illuminated tube, and 3D effects – these are the most distinctive elements of our pallet island for Zlatý Bažant radlers, which are now catching attention in Slovak stores. Among other things, the display has a relatively unusual function of prompt rebranding.

Cola by Birell placed under a rooster

“It would be great to come closer and take a can,” say customers who have already seen our end cap for the new Cola by Birell in Czech stores. And that is all right! This display wants to stimulate curiosity and the desire to discover.

The Cappy end cap allures you for breakfast

What could be better than starting each day with a delicious breakfast, which includes fresh fruit juice on the table? Our new end cap, we made for Cappy drinks, communicates such a message. It attracts passers-by in a store with its classic materials, stylish lighting and real food.

New office launched in Slovakia

In May, we are opening our first branch office in Slovakia. We have been active in Slovakia since 2018, when one project manager has been working there. The number of customers increased since then, so opening a new office proved to be a logical step.

We produce an adapter “Nakliku”. It minimizes virus transmission

Door handles are a place where large number of bacteria and harmful substances cumulate. So it is important for people to touch these places as little as possible. In cooperation with Tomas Bata University in Zlin, we have developed a special plastic adapter, thanks to which you can open doors with handles by your forearm. Due to the principle of its use, this invention is called “Nakliku”.

Canon shop-in-shop in Ljubljana

The Canon camera manufacturer sells its products in the Czech Republic as well as in more than two hundred other countries. It operates also in Slovenia looking for a way how to introduce its portfolio of printers and cameras to the public. Therefore, it has implemented a design promo-stall to support the displayed goods directly at the point of sale.

With Big Shock! to Dakar Rally

A competition for a ride in the truck, which participates in the world-famous Dakar Rally, is here! The Limited Edition of the Big Shock! energy drink, for which we have designed an end cap and a pallet island display, refers to this competition.

Retail after Coronavirus? More online activities and strong Christmas

Precautions to prevent further spread of coronavirus are slowly being released. Life seems to be returning to normal. But it is already clear that the economic consequences of the crisis we have experienced in recent weeks will be long-lasting and will affect most sectors. How will Covid-19 affect the future of the retail environment?

The retail sector is currently going through a restart. Digitization and virtuality are experiencing a renaissance caused by the temporary shutdown of bricks and mortar stores in most segments. The options for customers were limited and they started looking for another way of shopping. Even those who have resisted so far have found it on the Internet and in e-shops. We can expect that this sales channel will suddenly have a much larger share in retail than before.

We can expect an increase in the number of services that customers will use digitally. It is not just about shopping. For example, it will be common for us to learn to play the piano online or practice at home while the coach supervises us through a video call or application.

We are sure that people will develop new shopping habits and will not get back to many of the original ones. Customers will once again pay more attention to the price, which will become a key criterion when shopping in the next period. Demand for non-essential products, such as fashion, cars, luxury goods, will decrease.

Retailers will have to respond adequately to all these changes. Likewise, a change of approach will affect point-of-sale promotion. If they defend their contribution, there will be space for more expensive creative solutions. However, the crisis of 2009 showed us that the demand will be mainly the low price of P.O.S. realizations and their maximum efficiency. Therefore, it will be necessary to invest in creativity to cover suitably and cheaply the changing demand.

Unfortunately, many companies do not reflect this need. In the best case, they partially consider investments, but their demanding approval processes often completely stop these considerations. Such companies are just waiting for market signals and this approach does not bring anything. They will come out of the crisis with the biggest losses. Even worse are doing companies which totally stopped any sales promotion to save their own costs. Their visibility on the market will decrease; quite possibly they will disappear completely. Their approach will also have a negative impact on suppliers of P.O.P. solutions, which could lead to a significant cooling of the local market. This can then be used by foreign manufacturers of P.O.P. materials offering cheaper solutions.

We believe that P.O.P. support for some segments that are currently suffering will increase. An example is the hotel and restaurant industry. In terms of seasonality, we believe that this year’s “back to school” and Christmas seasons will compensate for the recent Easter, which was severely limited in terms of communication. Such opportunities are being sought by companies that are not afraid of the current situation and are aware that they need to support their activities right now. Such companies are admirable and others should take them as an example. They are following procedures proven by previous crises, they think proactively and invest smartly.

So far, it is difficult to estimate whether we will have more complicated months, or a significantly longer period, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Above all, also with regard to our economic ties to the heavily affected markets west of us, the disability of which will gradually be reflected in what is happening in our country. In any case, the most sensible thing is to start preparations immediately. Let’s not wait for anything and start focusing on the post-crisis period right now. The best medicine is honest good work, perseverance and proactivity.

Daniel Jesenský and Marek Končitík, Dago


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