Two best realizations in POP STAR 2019 competition were ours

We regularly participate with our projects in the competition of the Mí portal for the best in-store realization of the month and we are being successful in it. That is why we are pleased that we have succeeded within the overall assessment for 2019, as our displays won the first and the second positions in the POP STAR competition.

Tullamore D.E.W. gets new bars viewing to Ireland

Customers can find the popular Irish whiskey Tullamore D.E.W. in new bars now. However, we are not talking about a bar in terms of a pub, we are talking about a pallet display we produced and placed into Czech and Slovak retail chains. The distributor of this whiskey, Mast-Jaegermeister, has presented a redesigned visual identity to attract a younger target audience.

Blood orange Fanta scares and amuses

Halloween becomes more and more popular in the Czech Republic. Coca-Cola has introduced a limited edition of Fanta Black Blood Orange with a blood orange flavor that combines Halloween playfulness and craziness. We produced a distinctive scary display for this product.

Baby food Hami is being sold in Hamleys by the windmill

In Hamleys, the Prague toy store, an entertaining world Hamíkov, where parents can spend their leisure time with their children, was built in cooperation with the company Nutricia. We have created an interactive display for it with the offer of Hami baby food.

The animated car model dominated in Tesco and Globus stores

The producer of confectionery, chewing-gums and pet food Mars recently introduced a campaign for Orbit and Airwaves chewing-gums called “Arrive fresh in a new car!”. Our one-palette display informed of the contest and attracted attention in Tesco and Globus stores especially thanks to a car model with interactive elements.

Our Captain Morgan boat won the prestigious Shop! Global Awards

The famous Captain Morgana sailing ship we made for the company Stock Plzeň-Božkov, won an award of the international association Shop! at the Global Awards competition. From the final ceremonial, which took place in Chicago, USA, we brought home an award for the best marketing in-store project in the strong category of alcoholic and tobacco products.

We brought two gold medals from POPAI Euro Awards 2019

We won totally five medal positions at the Thursday´s finals of the world competition POPAI Euro Awards, in which the best projects from the sphere of in-store advertisement compete with each other. We won with all five March nominations.

Smart display can mix drinks

Mixed drinks and spirits belong to each other. So why don´t we offer recipes how to prepare the right cocktail to our customers directly in a store? Thanks to the new “drink-mixing” display, we have implemented for the company Brown-Forman Czechia, you can just choose a cocktail according to your own taste preferences, print out the recipe and take the right ingredients out of the shelf.

Not only cocktail lovers will appreciate the new “drink-mixing” display, which will advise shoppers in Prague-Letnany Tesco what alcohol, juice, fruit or syrup they need to mix to prepare their favourite drink directly at home. “From the last year´s consumer survey, we have found out that we do not want to sell just an alcohol brand to our customers. We always want to show them the opportunity how to consume goods they bought. And our new advertising display meets all this – actually, it allows each shopper to become a barman for a while,”Tomas Ptacek, Category & Trade Marketing Manager of the company Brown-Forman Czechia, describes the main goal of the P.O.P. medium.

Our company is behind the idea and implementation of the whole display. We have designed, simply and originally, the system of interactivity of the whole application using the gamification of modern technologies. This innovative P.O.P. application offers customers an attractive added value, possibility to get inspired and have fun when shopping, it educates about new possibilities of a traditional product consumption.

Triple experience: shopping, mixing and drinking cocktails

So, how the “drink-mixing” display works? The touch display guides a customer to a drink he will like based on his preferences and shows a concrete recipe. He can print it out using the built-in printer just at the spot or send it to his e-mail. He can also find all the necessary ingredients right in the shelf. “So, customers don´t need to do any extra steps. They can see everything well-arranged on the built-in tablet display with the goods just at hand,” Veronika Dostalova, Senior Project Manager of our company, describes the added value of the advertising display.

The whole application is an example of an in-store communication activity where the experience associated with product consumption is also very important. At the top of the communication, there is the touch screen display guiding customers to drinks they like using simple questions. The initial experience then rises right at the point of sales thanks to an inspiration by original interaction, or atmosphere stimulation towards a new possibility of offered products consumption. The secondary experience then brings the pleasure of the actual preparation and subsequent consumption of bought ingredients.

The display represents a modern shopper-marketing approach, offers plenty of consumption variants and what´s more, it is also easily adapt it for any brand. “We can just change stickers and reprogram the software in the tablet. Thus we can adapt the advertising display very easily for many other events,” concludes Veronika Dostalova.

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