Sell olive oils by means of ecology and nature

“A diet based on a large amount of olive oil is beneficial to the human body.” It has been several years since this sentence spread throughout the world and olive oil experienced its boom. In stores, there was only one problem to solve – whether the oil is virgin, cold-pressed, or 100% natural.

Shelves as the most effective POP medium and a category management tool

We all know shelving systems. We can see them in every retail store for many years. It serves mainly as a carrier of products. The more shelves, the better. Each one has a different color, size, and overall dimensions. Some were purchased directly by the retailer and some were supplied free of charge by the supplier of the goods. During the business history of each store, a mixture of shelving systems has emerged, among which there is a slight mess.

Movement, light, and sound will play an important role

The development of POP is very closely linked to the packaging materials market. Any product packaging is the basic key to the creation of POSM, from which the final graphic design, the selection of materials for the production part, and the subsequent implementation at the point of sale are derived.

Case study: How to handle the chaotic management of POS realizations?

Many entities are involved in the production and installation of POS materials. It involves many people on the part of a manufacturer, client, and seller. The larger the project, the more likely it is that the realization will not go smoothly. So how can we ensure that the management of each project is more efficient and transparent?

Retail after Coronavirus? More online activities and strong Christmas

Precautions to prevent further spread of coronavirus are slowly being released. Life seems to be returning to normal. But it is already clear that the economic consequences of the crisis we have experienced in recent weeks will be long-lasting and will affect most sectors. How will Covid-19 affect the future of the retail environment?

Supplier or strategic partner – who will bring a greater value within P.O.P.?

The Czech Republic and Slovak Republic are incredible in the In-store marketing segment. We produce an enormous amount of carriers, we do many promotional activities and we have plenty of stores where people purchase and companies, similar to us, help to sell. But, is the sales effect also growing? Should we always focus only on sales revenue, or should we build a brand? How do we stand in comparison with abroad?

BLOG: 10 tactics to stimulate impulsive purchases

At the time when people do more and more purchases online, impulsive in-store purchases are becoming increasingly important. They’re stimulated primarily by choosing the right products, placing them into the right place, or attracting attention of shoppers. Below, you can learn about 10 Shopify tips on how to increase their frequency and value. In these 10 tips, you can learn how

Case study Birell: How to cut a bicycle in halves?

The client’s order was simple: create a permanent end cap for non-alcoholic refreshment Birell. It was supposed to resonate with the main elements of the product – focus on people, spending time outdoors, having fun with friends and a summer relax. Therefore, we created several different proposals which have gradually developed until we finally … cut a bicycle in halves. What made us to do this?

Sensory shopping or how to catch into the net

When shopping, we perceive the environment and offered products using several senses. It is therefore advantageous to influence customers through more senses, but among other senses the eyesight, which is decisive when choosing goods, plays the main role. Eyesight controls approximately 80 % of purchasing decisions.

Multisensory marketing that includes senses of hearing, smell, taste and touch is gradually more and more developing. These are very powerful associated stimuli that strengthen the effect of visual perception many times. The reason is that they bring the desired emotional interest much faster. The TNS research from 2007 found out that confectionery purchase is influenced mostly by the atmosphere that arouses the appetite for sweets. In other words, if a seller wants to stimulate sales of confectionery, he should primarily focus his attention on arousing the appetite for sweets. It does not mean directly tasting – actually, the act of tasting may decrease the appetite for sweets satisfying the appetite and thus the desire for the impulse purchase may be smaller. Using a strong visual perception is effective, for example chocolate bar after the first bite or chocolate just being mixed. It is a stimulation that may evoke “the Pavlov reflex”, a customer will literally “start to slobber” in such created atmosphere and then buy products without even thinking about it before.

The effect of the visual perception may be even increased many times using a suitable chosen aroma, which does not even have to be the chocolate fragrance – as in the case of tasting, it has a tendency to “satisfy” customers without buying anything. Nowadays there exist sophisticated techniques that can identify relevant aromas or sounds for concrete product categories being used to stimulate appetite or interest in concrete goods or services. As an example, we can mention the well-known principle of spreading the coffee fragrance in tobacco-stores – as this aroma stimulates appetite for tobacco products – or spreading the fresh bread fragrance in food stores used as a stimulus evoking hunger – and hungry person buys more than someone who is full.

The last mentioned sense that can be stimulated at points-of-sales is the sense of touch. An example of using tactile perception within the communication at points-of-sales is the Milka sales display using a plush cow head luring to caress it. That is how customers get near displayed products and the pleasant tactile feeling motivates them more to put chocolates into their shopping carts.

Multisensory marketing works mainly subliminally, and so various biometric methods are used to choose suitable aromas or sounds. In principle, these methods measure what happens based on visual, acoustic, tactile and olfactory stimuli in such parts of the brain which seller needs to be activated at the right moment (neuromarketing). But don´t think that producers and sellers make robots from you this way. Stimulation of multiple senses loses its effect when a customer is not satisfied with purchased products. In this case, there is not repeated purchase, which is crucial for the fast moving consumer goods.

Daniel Jesenský, DAGO, s.r.o.

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