Rémy Cointreau Whiskey POP

Thanks to our new POP application, Czechs and Slovaks better understand whiskey. The growing segment of sales of spirits from the whiskey category should be promoted by a new POP campaign focused on educating customers. For…

New POP Tassimo displays

Victory of the Tassimo display in the branch competition POPAI Awards 2012 was a challenge for us to design and then produce and implement a new version of smaller floor display with a platform of the palette forth part. Su…

Sommersby promo tables for Budvar

Promo tables resembling an oak barrel with an apple-tree, the motive accompanying the alcoholic cider Sommersby designed and produced by our company, attracted approximately nine thousand people to take a taste and totally…

„Czech world of grilling“ for Bongrain

Grilling belongs to summer and that is why Co. Povltavské mlékárny (Bongrain) decided to simplify and make pleasant as much as possible such actions to shoppers in co-operation with our company. At one point within the them…

DEMO unit Philips beauty

For the company Philips, we have just completed realization of the project of permanent demo units for sales promotion, on which there are displayed real products appropriately secured for potential customers to manipulate…

Action end cup of Nescafe Dolce Gusto


For our client Nestle, our company has designed and implemented new project, which takes into consideration rules of the customer decision-making process. These are p…

Secondary displays Burn and Monster


Last month, the company Coca-Cola, represented by its marketing manager Ondřej Balvín, realized a set of new POP materials for its brands of energy drinks Monster and…

Exclusive promo tables Timotei

Our company has designed and then produced promo tables Timotei in original design for our customer UNILEVER. Totally non-traditional concept of the promo table uses combination of attractive design with unique technologica…


In March this year, our company will celebrate 20th anniversary of operating on the market. During that time, our company had been continuously developed together with the whole branch of POP communication. Since our very b…

New NESCAFÉ displays

Our company has been addressed by its long-standing client, NESTLÉ company, and subsequently it has been chosen in tendering process as producer of a new type of permanent floor stand for products of the brand NESCAFÉ. As t…

Thanks for POPAI CE AWARDS 2016

On Thursday, 24th November, there took place this year´s POPAI Awards ceremony for the best advertisement means in the sphere of in-store communication. And just like last year, our company won most of the awards. We succeeded with six realizations. The award for an excellent realization won the Captain Morgan end cap created for our client Stock Plzeň-Božkov and took up the last year´s success, when the Captain Morgan boat won the absolute winner of the evening. We succeeded also in another category with Captain Morgan. The action Captain Morgan pallet island, wooden hand-made one-pallet display shaped as a boat, won the first place in the category of alcoholic beverages. Our other awarded project was a cardboard display of Somersby cider by Budějovický Budvar evoking the pleasant summer day atmosphere; it won the category of the best realization from cardboard.
In the category of food, the end cap of Vitana farmer´s soups as farmer´s stall full of flavours won the first place. This realization, thanks to which customers can feel as being at farmer´s market, had a task to support the launch of a new product line. In the category of soft drinks, there won the creative realization for Jupík by Kofola as an interactive cardboard train with diodes for kids allowing the smallest customers to become an engine-driver for a while. Another victory was succeeded with a promotable for closer shoppers acquaintance with vegetable fats Flora. The natural design in the form of a wooden and laminated stall succeeded in the category of prototypes.

In this year´s Central European round, there competed 107 realizations in nineteen categories. We greatly appreciate the victories and awards of our six realizations and also we are glad that we had the opportunity to work on these projects and to contribute, together with our clients, to better environment of points of sales.

Your DAGO team

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