Shop in shop Nikon – Alza


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Electrotechnical innovations


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The new software will reduce order processing times by up to three quarters

Production in the P.O.S. segment is very complex and many subjects cooperate within it. For a long time already we have wondered how to manage our individual projects more effectively – from the production itself to the product placement in stores. That is why we started to develop our own software, which will bring all the production attributes together and make it easier to everyone involved in preparations of individual orders – clients, suppliers and our internal teams.

After the development phase, which lasted for one and a half year, we are now testing the new software. And so far, we have been very successful with it. It turns out that a unified project management facilitates work for us as well as for our customers.

The system constantly transfers all actual data to clients and their business representatives – data about all their displays, where they are located, detailed information about each store, installation plan and so on. If it is found that there is something wrong with any product, they can report the problem using the software and take a photo of its current status using a mobile phone or tablet and upload the image into a cloud.

The time necessary to complete a project rapidly shortens

The system reports the need for ordering appropriate items on time according to warehouse stock and budget and related expenses. It can also accept an order from an information system of a client. So this reduces downtime, which otherwise normally occurs and also the burden of all participating elements because the system automates many activities throughout the implementation process. Stores with installed products are displayed on a map for better clarity; of course it is possible to generate reports and schemes. With regards to data collection in stores, the number and type of monitored P.O.P. media displays in each store is always clear. Thus there is no need for a classic stocktaking, which is now continual. For easier orientation, the products can be filtered according to locality, material, store type, sales representatives and other parameters. Sales representatives and installation technicians have an access to the system available all the time and they can view actual data in certain location using GPS. They should also update information on the spot.

While previously, for example, the placement of three thousand large checkout zones took two or three years, with the new system we can do it in six months. The big advantage is the absolute overview of the installed materials, which enables also repair management and inspection.

10 clients have been participating in the testing and their feedback is very positive. They consider the acceleration of the whole order processing to be the main advantage. Clients have an overview of everything important and approve particular steps just on-line. We see the future in the industry in the closer integration of our comprehensive services with client needs and we are glad that we can already participate in the realization of this vision.

Marek Koncitik and Your DAGO team

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