New NESCAFÉ displays

Our company has been addressed by its long-standing client, NESTLÉ company, and subsequently it has been chosen in tendering process as producer of a new type of permanent floor stand for products of the brand NESCAFÉ. As t…

Tassimo Floor Displays for Kraft

For the sake of our client Kraft Foods, our company designed, produced and implemented luxury floor displays Tassimo on Czech market in November 2012. These POP stands serve to boost the sale of coffee machines Bosch and co…

Tullamore Dew POP for bars

By seizing the opportunity of introducing new legendary Irish whiskey Tuallamore DEW and in the context of other marketing activities connected with this launch, our company has been addressed by the distributor of this bra…

Popai awards 2012

4 Prize in POPAI Awards 2012. Prague, 26.11.2012 – We have registered seven projects for this year competition in the best POP advertising media in the field of in-store communication POPAI Awards 2012. Three of them have b…

Demo Units Samsung

Samsung Company and its subsidiary agency Cheil (represented by Mr. Kamil Kaliszan) have realized three special demo units for presentation of the newest tablets Galaxy Note 10.1 Samsung in extremely short time due to close…

Chráněné dílny

Naše společnost rozšířila v letošním srpnu spolupráci s organizacemi se statutem chráněná dílna. V kontextu našeho etického kodexu se snažíme pomoci handicapovaným občanům se níženou pracovní schopností, tedy těm, kteří maj…

KOLONÁDA – mobile selling handcart


For our client Kraft Foods, we have designed and produced specific presentation unit KOLONADA – a mobile selling handcart in retro style evoking time, when production…

POP Jacobs – promo cups


This month, our company has designed, produced and implemented for our client KRAFT FOODS, s.r.o. a set of integrated POP media in order to support consumer promo con…

Huawei POP Demo Unit – Play Table

Huawei Company has decided to cooperate with our Company in order to boost in-store presentation of its products in the demo shop of internet retailer Alza. For this purpose, we have designed, produced and implemented POP a…

Unique palette exposition for Budvar

For our customer Budějovický Budvar, n.p., we have created a non-traditional sales units for secondary exposition of promoted group packages of Budvar beer. In addition to a design and production done in a record time, we h…

Wall Display in ElectroWorld

New In-store Solution of Photo Wall in ElectroWorld from Dago Several months have already elapsed when our company has set up cooperation with retail company Electro World s.r.o. in the project on remodelling presentation of walls for photo cameras.
The new concept of the display system has traditionally come to existence in the framework of DAGO CIS (Complex in-store solution) system in quest to find optimal efficiency of in-store cameras communication. The main goal for us has been getting customer´s attention, making him to be interested in interaction with displayed products and motivate him to buy them. Role of the new concept of displaying the cameras is at the same time targeted at supporting impression of premium and quality goods of particular brands; the concept can assure easy access and manipulation with real products and in this way, it invites customers to try the products, which raises likelihood of their purchase.

The main attributes of the CIS approach in the project:

  • Invitation of customers to the photo section has been the main goal of the realization, as well as desire for customer to stay in the section as long as possible, so he would become motivated to interact with the displayed products and consequently purchase some.
  • Making the section best organized according to shopper’s preferences has been another goal.
  • The whole place gives impression of the state of premium and quality and by this way it supports image of the displayed products.
  • The structure of the application has been based on shape diversity, which attracts shoppers against the background of fairly regular shapes found ordinarily in a store.
  • The application is visually dominant and contrasting in the environment, where it has been installed, which again boosts ability to distract and attract.
  • Logos have been communicated boldly and noticeably from all directions, so the customer could combine particular brand with information and latent needs that had been already internalized.
  • Light effects promote distraction so that customers can´t resist the lure of the goods, and at the same time they encourage both visual and practical attractiveness of the space.
  • The space is the most accessible one, open to customers, it does not create any barriers between customer and products.
  • At the same time, there are products, placed in the main roll of the whole shopping space, which are the most accessible and noticeable, what stimulates interaction with them.
  • The products have been laid out in neatly organized, transparent blocks, what again helps to develop customers´ attraction and their will to try the products.
  • The products are real and functioning and are placed in the right height well suited for the most convenient manipulation from customer´s side.

As opposed to previous photo walls, where the cameras were displayed according to particular brands exclusively, now each of the walls has been separated into sections according to camera types (compact, mirror, system, etc.).

Mr. René Vlasák, representing Electro World s.r.o. company, has been coordinator of the whole project; he has enabled to install the new concept and test it in the oldest ElectroWorld shop in Prague-Čestlice. Both project owner and producer are convinced that attributes the new photo walls have been based on, will raise the selling rate of the displayed products, as well as contribute to customers´ satisfaction thanks to better arrangement and orientation among displayed products and brands. Team DAGO


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