Shop in shop Nikon – Alza


New project – Nikon Shop-in-shop in Alza Our company DAGO introduces a new realisation of a sophisticated NIKON shop-in-shop, which we have produced and installed in…

Sales promo in hobby markets

There is no doubt that POS can be adapted also to products out of the traditional FMCG – after all, we see the support for telco, automotive or financial services. But how to present attractively drills, saws, grinders and…

New corporate strategy


At the conference of our company, we have presented the new corporate strategy for the 5 following years. Its basis is especially increasing the corporate know-how in…


The company Dago is currently coming with many innovations that enhance existing range of products, so we can offer to our clients a much wider application of their ideas and opportunities, what types of POP material place…

Electrotechnical innovations


We have launched functional and affordable electro-technical and electronic parts, which can be integrated into traditional POP means, into the market.

We talk about…

We support children and seniors

We are not alone in the world. It is human and natural to help others, especially to people who can´t help themselves. We, therefore, decided to contribute with 250,000 CZK to several projects this year that we think are very meaningful and can really make a change for better.

The first part of this sum was sent to support the Life 4 Kids Uganda project, which helps to find home for orphan “street children”, educate them and get them a medical care. We also financially supported the Yoga to Children´s Homes project, which covers yoga courses for disadvantaged children and helps them to develop a healthy body and a quiet mind. And another project we supported was Yoga and Mindfulness for Seniors, which helps pensioners to maintain their mental and physical vitality. Another supported project is a contribution to buy a horse to be used for hippo therapy for handicapped children. Hippo therapy is a physiotherapeutic method that utilizes the rhythmic walking of horses to stimulate the central nervous system and also helps to the psychical aspect of patients.

Your DAGO team

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