On Thursday, November 25th, the results of the POPAI Awards competition were announced, in which the best in-store communication projects at the point of sale on the domestic and foreign markets are being awarded. This year, we succeeded again and won a total of six awards.

What do clients often expect from P.O.S. solutions?

The overall communication with customers at points-of-sales develops according to expectations of shoppers. Retailers are very well aware of this fact and that is why they reflect the knowledge about their customers into specific requirements for P.O.P. displays.

And just like we change designs and colours of clothing according to the season and trends, we can see also some development in the communication in stores. So what are the actual requirements agencies hear from their clients when commissioning new realization?

In general, we can talk about the fact, that now it is necessary to entertain actively customers at points-of-sales. We must offer them a certain experience and not just provide them with information about new goods. It is not enough just to offer them functional solution, which is now considered as a matter of course, but we must attract them and surprise with originality, interactivity, playfulness. For example, when we entice customers to participate in a competition, where the main prize is a stay in a mountain cottage, we present a top 3D model of the mountain cottage directly in a store. And if we want to present a chocolate bar with coconut to shoppers, we can interest them well with an over-sized coconut palm model.

Today, clients are not satisfied only with a standard and common processing, even when it has a high quality. They require also original and design trendy solution that will attract them. But their requirements do not end with good graphics, design and high-quality materials, because more and more emphasis is placed on technical parameters of P.O.P. media, eventually on a remote content control, immediate feedback from shoppers and a high-quality and relevant evaluation.

The above mentioned exposure features are getting quite common elements we now operate with within our work. But it is necessary to say that all clients, no matter if a proposal includes 3D printing, LED screen or a high-quality multi-meter realization, they require one common thing, which is functionality and efficiency. Clients want to be sure that whatever form the project has, it must bring the desired result. And mere reassurance is not enough; everything must be based on facts and arguments.

This fact, according to agencies, increases the requirements for the expertise of their teams working on proposals and subsequent realizations. Recently, just one person used to work on a proposal, but now we are more and more talking about whole teams of specialists as designers, graphic designers, technicians and technologists, IT specialists and project managers.

The reward for our agency is a wide range of realization possibilities that opens up to us. New, demanding challenges, technologies we can work with, metrics we can measure with.

Marek Končitík

Respond to: marek.koncitik@dago.cz

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